Our services.

  • Bodywork

    Integrative + holistic manual therapies are full spectrum to address the root issues.

    Any given session could include a range of pressures + sensations: some feeling deep, intense, or active, while others may be soft, subtle, or energetic. Through deep listening + allowing multiple channels to be open to receive information, we are able to affect changes in a more holistic way.

  • Movement

    We offer an adaptive approach to movement training that exists at the intersection of functional + natural movement, corrective exercise + intuitive fitness to help you feel strong + capable in every moment.

  • Food Work

    Know your food; where it comes from, where it’s going. How you source it, cook it, eat it + digest it. How it impacts community + interpersonal relationships. How it can serve as a tool for healing + vitality. What it means to be present + thriving in your evolving food story.

    Our food work is here to help you develop food literacy + empowered food choices.